Actor Priyanka Chopra has reacted to the information of the demise of Indian-origin girl Jaahnavi Kandula. The 23-year-old died on January 23, 2023, after being struck by a Seattle police patrol car within the US. Months after her demise, a recording from a body-worn digital camera surfaced, the place two […]
Stars are honoring iconic crooner Tony Bennett, who died Friday at 96. Publicist Sylvia Weiner confirmed Bennett’s loss of life to USA TODAY, saying he died in his hometown of New York. There was no particular trigger given, however Bennett had been recognized with Alzheimer’s illness in 2016. After the information broke of […]
Artwork & Tradition Yayoi Kusama – Large polka-dot inflatables take over in Manchester at £211m Aviva Studios Daisy Jackson Huge polka-dot inflatables have taken over Manchester’s latest arts venue, as acclaimed artist Yayoi Kusama opens her largest-ever set up. The jaw-dropping spectacle has seen complete rooms full of vibrant tentacles, […]